Australian Open Water Swimming Bliss: Discover the Health Benefits

open water swimming, Rottnest Channel Swim, swimming spots, tips and tricks

Australian Open Water Swimming Bliss,  swimmers often refer to swimming here, boasting a plethora of stunning coastal areas and lakes to explore. With its pristine waters, diverse marine life, and breathtaking scenery, it’s no wonder that open-water swimming is a popular pastime for Aussies of all ages and abilities.

Whether you’re a seasoned swimmer looking for a challenge or a newbie just starting out, there’s an open water swim spot in Australia that’s perfect for you. Here are a few of the most popular spots, along with some health benefits, tips, and tricks to help you make the most of your experience:

Popular Australian Open Water Swimming Bliss Spots in Australia

Bondi Beach, Sydney

Bondi Beach, Sydney


Bondi Beach is one of the most iconic beaches in Australia, and it’s also a popular spot for open-water swimming. The beach is patrolled by lifeguards all year round, and there are plenty of facilities nearby, making it a convenient and safe place to swim.

Coogee Island Ocean Swim, Sydney

Coogee Island Ocean Swim, Sydney

The Coogee Island Ocean Swim is a challenging but rewarding open-water swim. The course takes swimmers around Coogee Island, offering stunning views of the Sydney skyline and surrounding coastline. The swim is held annually in February, and it’s a great way to challenge yourself and experience the best of open water swimming in Australia.

Rottnest Channel Swim, Perth

Rottnest Channel Swim, Perth


The Rottnest Channel Swim is a 19.7km open water swim that takes place between Fremantle and Rottnest Island in Western Australia. The swim is known for its challenging currents and tides, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding experience. The swim is held annually in February, and it’s one of the most popular open-water swims in Australia.

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef


The Great Barrier Reef is one of the most iconic natural wonders in the world, and it’s also a great place for open-water swimming. There are a number of different tour operators that offer open water swims in the Great Barrier Reef, so you can find a swim that’s perfect for your fitness level and interests.

Lake Jindabyne, Snowy Mountains

Lake Jindabyne, Snowy Mountains

Lake Jindabyne is a beautiful lake located in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales that can be added to the Australian Open Water Bliss collection. The lake is popular for a variety of water sports, including open-water swimming. The water in Lake Jindabyne is clear and cold, making it a refreshing place to swim on a hot day.

Other Popular Open Water Swimming Spots in Australia

  • Shelly Beach, Manly, Sydney
  • Apollo Bay, Great Ocean Road, Victoria
  • Stokes Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
  • Freshwater Beach, Port Douglas, Queensland
  • Lake Argyle, Kununurra, Western Australia
  • Lake Pedder, Tasmania

Health Benefits of Open Water Swimming

Improved cardiovascular health: Open-water swimming is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health. The rhythmic motion of swimming engages various muscle groups, including your heart. This helps to strengthen your heart and improve your circulation. Studies have shown that regular open-water swimming can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.

Stronger muscles: Open-water swimming is a full-body workout that strengthens all of your major muscle groups. Swimming also helps to improve your flexibility and range of motion. This can help to reduce your risk of injuries and improve your overall fitness.

Reduced stress levels: Open-water swimming is a great way to reduce stress levels. The rhythmic motion of swimming can help to calm your mind and body. Swimming also releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Studies have shown that regular open-water swimming can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Improved mental well-being: Open water swimming can help to improve your mental well-being in a number of ways. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood. Swimming also releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Additionally, the challenge of open water swimming can help to boost your self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Boosted immune system: Exposure to cold water can help to boost your immune system. The cold water stimulates the production of white blood cells, which help to fight off infection. Additionally, the sun exposure that you get while swimming can help to increase your vitamin D levels, which also plays a role in immune function.

In addition to the above health benefits, open-water swimming can also help to:

  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity
  • Promote healthy weight loss
  • Improve your balance and coordination
  • Reduce joint pain and inflammation
  • Accelerate recovery from injuries

Overall, open-water swimming is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. It is a low-impact activity that is suitable for people of all fitness levels. If you are looking for a way to get fit, improve your health, and have fun at the same time, open-water swimming is a great option.

Tips and Tricks for Open Water Swimming

If you’re new to open-water swimming, here are a few tips and tricks to help you make the most of your experience:

  • Choose a safe location to swim. Always swim in a location that is patrolled by lifeguards and where there are other swimmers around.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Open-water swimming can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be aware of currents, tides, and other hazards.
  • Swim with a buddy. It’s always best to swim with a buddy, especially if you’re new to open-water swimming.
  • Acclimatize to the water temperature. If you’re swimming in cold water, acclimatize yourself gradually by starting with short swims and increasing the duration over time.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and equipment. If you’re swimming in cold water, wear a wetsuit to stay warm. You may also want to wear a swim cap, goggles, and a buoy for safety.


Open-water swimming is a great way to get exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and experience the beauty of Australia. If you’re new to open-water swimming, be sure to start slowly and choose a safe location to swim. With a little planning and preparation, you can enjoy all the benefits that open water swimming has to offer.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired or cold, get out of the water and take a break.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your swim.

Discover the Joy of Pets with a Cat or Dog

In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, the presence of a furry friend can bring an oasis of calm and companionship. Discover the Joy of Pets, namely dogs and cats, in particular, have an uncanny ability to lift our spirits, ease our burdens, and enrich our lives in countless ways. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or contemplating adding a four-legged companion to your family, understanding the profound impact pets can have on our well-being is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the many benefits of having pets in our homes and explore how dogs and cats can help us achieve a happier, healthier life.

The Unbreakable Bond: A Special Connection Between Humans and Pets

From the moment we first lay eyes on our beloved pets, an unbreakable bond is forged, one that transcends words and defies explanation. These furry companions, whether they be sprightly dogs or independent cats, possess an innate ability to bring joy, comfort, and loyalty into our lives. With each wag of a tail, and each gentle purr, they become our confidants, our companions, and our unwavering sources of affection. 

The bond between humans and pets is deeply rooted in mutual affection and understanding. We seek their company, finding solace in their presence and comfort in their unconditional love. In return, our pets thrive on our attention and care, their lives enriched by the interactions and affection we provide and our body language they pick up on. This reciprocal relationship creates a synergy that is both heartwarming and deeply fulfilling.

Emotional Well-being: The Positive Impact of Pets on Our Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced, demanding world, it’s easy to find ourselves overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation. Amidst this constant hustle and bustle, our furry companions emerge as beacons of serenity and emotional support. Studies have consistently shown that spending time with pets can significantly reduce stress levels, alleviate anxiety symptoms, and even combat depression.

The simple act of interacting with a pet can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These endorphins elevate our mood, promoting a sense of calmness and relaxation. For those struggling with loneliness or isolation, the companionship of a pet can provide a much-needed sense of connection and belonging.

Pets can also serve as powerful tools for emotional healing. Their unconditional love and acceptance can help individuals cope with trauma, loss, or other emotional challenges. The act of caring for a pet can also instill a sense of responsibility and purpose, fostering a sense of well-being amidst emotional turmoil.

Physical Health: How Pets Encourage an Active Lifestyle

The benefits of pets extend far beyond the realm of emotional well-being. They also play a significant role in promoting our physical health. Owning a dog, for instance, encourages regular exercise through daily walks, playtime, and fetch games. These activities not only strengthen the bond between owner and pet but also improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, and help maintain a healthy weight.

Even cats, known for their independent nature, can contribute to our physical well-being. Their playful antics and love of climbing can encourage us to engage in physical activity, whether it’s chasing after a dangling toy or simply playing with it on the floor. Additionally, the calming presence of a cat can lower stress levels, leading to improved physical health outcomes.

Beyond encouraging physical activity, pets can also promote a sense of routine and structure in our lives, which contributes to overall well-being. The responsibility of caring for a pet, from feeding and grooming to ensuring their exercise needs are met, can instill a sense of purpose and discipline. This structured routine can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety or depression.

Social Connections and Community: Pets as a Bridge to Stronger Bonds

Pets have an uncanny ability to transcend social barriers and foster connections within our communities. Whether it’s striking up a conversation with fellow dog owners at the park or sharing stories about your cat with friends and family, pets often serve as a common ground for building relationships.

Dog walks, in particular, can become social hubs, where neighbors connect, share stories, and forge new friendships. Similarly, cat owners often find themselves bonding over their shared love of their feline companions, creating a network of support and camaraderie.

These social connections, nurtured through our shared love of pets, can significantly enhance our sense of belonging and community. In a world that often feels isolating, pets can provide a sense of connection and belonging, fostering a sense of social well-being.

Choosing the Right Pet: Finding the Perfect Match for Your Lifestyle

Remember, when you set out to discover the Joy of Pets with a Cat or Dog added to your family, it’s crucial to carefully assess your lifestyle, living situation, and personal preferences to ensure you choose the right companion. 

Three Ways to Beat Goal Discouragement

hope mountain top

Have you ever had the experience where you set out to achieve a goal, begin to have some success (like a week or two) and you seem to peter out along the way?  You fall off the wagon, get an injury, something upsets the routine; there is always something. Then discouragement creeps in.  Your mind floods with all the recent attempts and fails and you think, “Why bother? I’m never gonna get there anyway.”

Can I just say, I have lived this cycle more times then I care to admit!  Ugh….(shoulders slump).

Click….you just turned on the light switch. Electricity flows to light up the globe.  You turn the dimmer switch clockwise and, you have gradually illuminated the room.  I love dimmer lights…what a great invention!  They  transform a room’s ambience incrementally, or in a moment,  from cozy and romantic to super bright and ambient.

How does that apply to goals?  You have a desire, a target the click…..fires your inspiration to do something, or be someone a bit different and the buzz of energy starts you off in a direction.  You turn the dial full bore and, away you go on a new running routine, a new diet, some new behaviour with the hope that this is the ticket to the super bright and ambient future, or self you desire.

But, the cycle of discouragement kicks in over a hiccup, and your bright and ambient future slides down to dim, or even dark.

How do we stop the cycle?

My experience would say it has a lot to do with what Dr. Carol Dweck would call a fixed mindset.  A fixed mindset is an all or nothing approach.  It is the belief that I am what I am, and cannot change; my talent and intelligence are pre-determined.   In contrast, a growth mindset acknowledges the journey, focusing on our effort and practice.  I can grow my talents and intelligence..  In this analogy, it would be the difference between seeing our goals, or even our selves as a “switch” rather than a “dimmer”.  You are either “off” or “on” – I am/this goal is a success or a failure, rather than a dial that can slide incrementally one way or the other – I am/this goal is a work in progress

It is inevitable, we are going to experience setbacks or discouragement, the dimmer has slid down and the room is now darker.  But rather than seeing them as the end, perhaps we should embrace them as part of the process. The electricity is still on!  The desire is still there – otherwise you wouldn’t feel discouraged, right?  So leverage the desire by sliding the dimmer up, even if it is just incremental.  Two steps forward, one step back is still progress.

How do we motivate ourselves to get going again?

  1. Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash
    Be kind and compassionate to yourself. Treat yourself like you would your friend in the same situation.  How would you spur them on toward their goal?  Remember that a growth mindset encourages us to focus on the effort and the journey, that we are capable of growing, being more skilled and better with practice.   You are a work in progress…..before you can run, you needed to learn to crawl, then walk.  Be patient with yourself.
  2. Cultivate positivity – reflect on a win you have had, no matter how insignificant it might seem. Reminding yourself of even the smallest accomplishment is like sliding the dimmer up.  Barbara Fredrickson’s Broaden and Build Theory says that positive emotions have a heliotropic effect, like a flower that is drawn and opened up toward the sun, positive emotions open us up to new possibilities, we become curious and open to new solutions and ways forward.  Our thought-action repertoires are more extensive with positivity.  Whereas negative emotions, like discouragement, have a limited thought -action range…..they drag us down, inward and we want to isolate ourselves.  What have you done well lately?  What is a recent win?  What strength, or character trait did you draw on to achieve that?  How can you leverage that again in this situation?
  3. Reframe the setback as an opportunity to build “bounce back” – if setbacks are inevitable, then the ability to bounce back is an absolute must if we want to see our goal come to fruition. Setbacks can be our fiercest ally!  Our ability to bounce back will be the catalyst to real progress.  Turn the setback, or discouragment on its head……look it in the eye and say….”Awesome! You have just given me an opportunity to be bouncier, and I need that if I am going to get where I want to be.”

Your bright and ambient future is only a dimmer switch away, so go on!…Dial it up!

Author: Pam McIntosh (Three Cheers Coaching)

Main article photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

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Body Language and Facial Expressions: Do they Matter?


Our early ancestors lived in an incredibly dangerous world for many years. Without any real language, they needed to have other ways to communicate. Communication was necessary to express their emotions, needs, anxieties, and desires with each other. They managed to do this through using nonverbal communications including physical changes, gestures, sounds, and facial or body responses. Our biological heritage meant that for so long that we communicated nonverbally. Let’s take a closer look at body language, including how it has evolved to where it is today. Between things like facial expressions and even how we fold our arms, our body gives us away.

Evolution of Body Language

We evolved; learning to verbally communicate with each other as well as bettering our skills of understanding body language. The result is that it has made such a vast difference in our lives and allowed our species to continue to thrive. Otherwise, there would have been a problem with our species becoming extinct long ago. It has taken a great deal of time, but these skills are infinitely better than they were before. Here is a closer look at this evolution.

This technique has developed with time. Without conscious behavior’s, some signals directly alert others of any risks that are perceived. We are also able to communicate to others around us immediately. As our brain forces us to freeze in place when we see an aggressive dog, it conveys our body’s reaction. It is noticeable whether or not we are comfortable or uncomfortable, content or hopeless, safe or in danger. The benefit is two-fold. As we physically react to the world around us, others can benefit. For instance, if we taste something disgusting, people will see our facial expression. They will not even need to taste it because they will know by your face that the food is terrible. Body language gives you an efficient way to communicate before your words can even come out. As you can see, body language is essential to our evolution.

Importance of Body Language and Facial Expression

Body language has not only evolved from the need of survival, though this is the main reason for it. Our brain also expresses intentions through body language. For example, say you are speaking to someone, and you notice that their feet are pointing towards an exit. You will know that this person probably needs to leave. They may be running late for something and need to go. They stay to talk to be polite, but they need to go. You can see this through their body language, and you can end this conversation. A perfect example as to why we say that actions speak louder than words.

So what’s psychologically behind all of this? Our demands, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and motives are processed by what’s known as the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system has input into what our body naturally does without thought. For instance, when someone gives us bad news and our lips compress instantly, or you are asked to work another weekend, and we narrow our eyes as our chin lowers. These are common facial expressions for these situations, and stress displays that our limbic brain has perfected over the years. You are not reacting this way based on cultural identity; rather these are things that everyone does.

How People View Us

Body language helps people get clues on how we feel about them or how they should view us. When we see someone that we are comfortable with, our eyebrows will arch defying, and our facial muscles will relax. Our arms will be pliable so we can welcome them. In the presence of someone we love, we are going to have very specific reactions. We tend to lean our head, and blood will flow to our lips making them complete, as our pupils dilate. This signifies that our bodies naturally adjust to the authentic thoughts that we feel.
Our bodies do not have to react like this. However, we evolved to present them for a reason. We are social creatures that want to communicate verbally and non-verbally. Understanding body language is quite crucial and also very fascinating. There have been reported cases where children who are born blind, having never visualised these non-verbal cues can instinctively do them. For example, a child that is blind had covered their eyes when they heard something they do not enjoy. This suggests that body language is hardwired into us.


What one visually observes can in combination with other cues, be an excellent way to discover how others feel about you and assess how a relationship is evolving. Frequently when people feel that something is wrong in a relationship, this can be expressed in body language displays. Couples who hold hands all the time may or may not be a real indication of their relationship if it’s done out of habit. Instead, the subtle behaviours may be more accurate representation. Learning the art of reading body language can go a long way. It can help us identify what others are feeling, believing, wanting or worrying about. Having that additional insight gives a much better evaluation of others. In turn, it helps us in communicating more empathetically and efficiently for better comprehension. No matter where we are, our body language will give us away. You have all been there when someone is saying “yes” to you; however, the body language is saying “no”. Our body language will tell observers what we are thinking and feeling, giving off signals to the people around us.
Author: Professional researcher

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